Thursday 20 February 2020


Images reflecting moments now gone;
Strangely, eerily lingering on;
Keeping such moments remembered;
Ghostly pale faces long since dead. 

Ghosts. Are they really there
In the same way that we are?
Or will they disappear in the glare
Of the headlights of a car?

Ghosts seem to be there all right;
Watching every move you make.
Not so much to give a fright,
But take when not awake.

Ghosts seem real enough,
But if we pay them heed
Are we the not the stuff
Of dreams? Ghosts that bleed?

That long ago place mist enshrouded with ice
When I turned and glimpsed for the last time
The old yestercentury life that was so nice
Before it slowly decomposed with burnt-lime

In my heart and soul, and, in a way, for real.

They are gone, even though you see their shade,
They have long belonged to the single low peal
Of the churchyard bell; the hole which is made
To steal them away. And do you feel

The ghost of Christmas past?

"I think I saw him for the first time," you said.
At least you saw him, I thought; though you are
Unaware that our friend is nonetheless dead.
Why do you stare? What do you see afar ... afar?

We again all meet on the eve of Christmas Past.



In part, we are,
In part, we always were
Phantoms from another time.
Time travellers. Ghosts.
Fading in. Now fading out.
Like spectral curls of mist
From time past to time present.
And back to whence we came.


On the eve of Christmas Eve
In the long lost last century;
In dense fog we did leave
And set off for the sea.

Farewell toxic town
Now turned brown;
Goodbye half my life.
I take with me a wife.

But leave all else behind.

Heavy mist still kept us blind
When we reached the place
Where beach and sea laced
Our view until the next day

When all things special we did find.

One shade the more,
One companion the less;
A multitudinous mirror
Of reflected memory.

In perpetuity to store
One more face;
To recognise, to refer
In the album chronology.

A silent flitting shadow
Finds the darkened crack
In the mirror of the mind;
Stirring nostalgically.

Leaves disturbed anew
Fail to bring back
The light and sound

People once bound.
No longer found;
No longer around;

A glance of shades;
Fading friends;
Greying grades
Of ignorance.

Ivy clinging stone
Informs the shade
The more alone
That there be laid:

In innocence;
In transience;
In abeyance;
In absence.


Time to take a photo
Said our dear friend
Snapping with camera
Until the end
When it was time
To run her back
From whence the
Carriage brought and took
Her away again
To another time ...

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Echoes of the Studio